Script Library: 1238 scripts
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Sammy's manager
samman.r12.8 KB
2 Jan 2012
To generate Sammy.js files using a dialect
author: [unknown]
SDL library interface
131.3 KB
23 Sep 2012
Code to bind SDL shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
11.2 KB
22 Oct 2005
Cleans up parent markers in a path, whilst restricting the output to a sandbox directory
author: anton rolls
2D transformations
15.0 KB
17 Oct 2020
icon for transforms-2d.rVisualize and experiment with 2D transformation matrices
author: Marco Antoniazzi
A Tiny Web Server
tiny-server.r2.0 KB
26 Mar 2013
Inspired by Carl's Tiny Web Server: This one is compatible with Rebol 3.
author: [unknown]
Text File Viewer
1.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
A simple scrolling text file viewer. (Updated from 20-May-2000 version.)
author: Carl Sassenrath
TextureLab - Texture generator
25.6 KB
31 Oct 2006
Generate mathematical textures
author: ReBolek
Thumbnail Maker
thumbnail-maker.r4.3 KB
14 Sep 2009
Create image preview sheets from a list of files. Used to make the introductory image at
author: nick
Tiff Lib
47.3 KB
2 Mar 2010
A basic library for reading and writing Tiff files
author: François Jouen
Time Clock
time-clock.r5.2 KB
16 Jan 2011
Used to log hours worked by employees. To help eliminate potential falsified hours, the program takes a photo of the employee each time they clock in and clock out, and sets the system clock using Ladislav Mercir's nist-clock.r This code is provided as-is, with no warranty expressed or implied. Use it at your own risk. This [...]
author: nick
Time Requester
time-requester.r18.8 KB
29 Jun 2012
A simple GUI time requester
author: nick
27.7 KB
4 Mar 2006
Time-line VID style for use in time-table editing using AGG.
author: Christian Ensel
Resizeable Table/Grid/Multi-column List Widget Example
table-grid-list.r14.3 KB
13 Jul 2011
One of the greatest things about REBOL/View is the built in GUI dialect ("VID"). It's great for building simple GUI layouts quickly and easily, but the native list widget can be confusing for newcomers. THIS EXAMPLE IS A FULL FEATURED TABLE/GRID/LIST WIDGET FOR VID GUIs. KEYS: INSERT DELETE ARROWS PAGE UP/DOWN - + [...]
author: nick
Tiny Generic CRUD App
tiny-crud-app.r990 bytes
7 Jan 2017
A very short generic data storage/retrieval app example. CRUD = create read update delete records. This can be used as the basis for any sort of rolodex-like app which allows users to enter and edit 'cards' full of information. From
author: nick
Tiny GUI Builder
tiny-gui-builder.r2.4 KB
4 Feb 2017
A cut down version of the appbuilder, without any code to deal with actions, data structures, styles, extra help features, etc. Just point and click to build little GUI layouts.
author: nick
Topic Tags
9.3 KB
15 May 2004
Makes tagging the mailing list a little bit more comfortable. Lists all topic tags in a window which I like to have open while tagging. Clicking on any tag copies it into clipboard so I only have to paste it into browser.
author: Christian Ensel
Upload library-script - upload a script to
6.8 KB
29 Jul 2004
upload a script to
author: Volker Nitsch
Origami Demo
223.0 KB
26 Feb 2007
Playing with Rebol on Ultra Mobile Personal Computer. Use keyboard arrows for options!
author: François Jouen
UDP Group Chat
udp-group-chat.r1.5 KB
3 Aug 2010
Because this script uses UDP, anyone who runs it on a local network will automatically receive messages broadcast by others on the same network. A separate server program and/or connection(s) to specific IP addresses are NOT required. A who's online function is included to list all currently logged in users.
author: nick
VID Group
vid-group.r1.6 KB
9 Mar 2009
A simple group VID style with enable/disable capability
author: Ammon Johnson